Summerlin Minyan Project Kashrut Policy
We recognize that our values of tradition and halacha can conflict with our values as an open community and strive to create a space that encourages us all to be holy. We strive to build a policy where we can feed our community in a way that allows all members of our community to contribute and partake.
Potluck events are dairy/pareve. There may be packaged/prepared items with or without Rabbinic Supervision, but must be “ingredients Kosher”. Rabbinically supervised (‘hechshered’) is preferred. Items prepared at home must similarly be “ingredients Kosher” and it is the discretion of the preparer to identify it as being prepared in a non-kosher kitchen, if applicable.
Wine and grape juice served for the purpose of Kiddush, (with a bracha) should be certified Kosher.
We discourage cooking on Shabbat.
We discourage purchasing of items/food for the SMP potluck on Shabbat. For that reason, members are encouraged to prepare the items they are bringing to SMP before Shabbat. Members are reminded that it is better to show up empty-handed than to break Shabbat in the cooking/preparing of food. We do not hold a similar prohibition on bringing the item to the SMP on Shabbat.
Summerlin Minyan Project maintains a collection of reusable picnicware with limited serving utensils. These are used only for SMP potlucks and are washed in a dishwasher or by hand between meetings. There is no requirement that it be washed in a Kosher home. The SMP picnicware is dairy/Pareve until such time as a similar, separate, fleishig set can be acquired. Members are encouraged to bring their own serving utensils for the dishes they prepare. Similarly, a plan for eating the foods they prepare should be considered (e.g. don’t bring soup unless you are pretty sure someone is bringing soup bowls and spoons)
Some events at the SMP are Fleishig (Meat). These events are determined to be so by a consensus. These events are typically in a private home of someone who identifies as keeping a kosher home. The specifics of the kashrut policy are determined by the host of such events in order to preserve the kashrut standards of the home, but are intended to maintain the values of the SMP. For these events it is expected that those who bring a packaged item will ensure that the item is Certified Kosher and Pareve/Fleishig, those who bring a prepared item from their home should check with the host. Dishes/Utensils should be disposable or provided by the host.
In the circumstance of a fleishig event in a public space everything must be certified kosher and everything should be served/consumed on disposables, (until the SMP acquires fleishig utensils and dishes). Everything packaged should be labeled Certified Kosher-Pareve or Kosher-Fleishig. Everything prepared must be prepared in a kitchen identified as Kosher.
We recognize that our values of tradition and halacha can conflict with our values as an open community and strive to create a space that encourages us all to be holy. We strive to build a policy where we can feed our community in a way that allows all members of our community to contribute and partake.
Potluck events are dairy/pareve. There may be packaged/prepared items with or without Rabbinic Supervision, but must be “ingredients Kosher”. Rabbinically supervised (‘hechshered’) is preferred. Items prepared at home must similarly be “ingredients Kosher” and it is the discretion of the preparer to identify it as being prepared in a non-kosher kitchen, if applicable.
Wine and grape juice served for the purpose of Kiddush, (with a bracha) should be certified Kosher.
We discourage cooking on Shabbat.
We discourage purchasing of items/food for the SMP potluck on Shabbat. For that reason, members are encouraged to prepare the items they are bringing to SMP before Shabbat. Members are reminded that it is better to show up empty-handed than to break Shabbat in the cooking/preparing of food. We do not hold a similar prohibition on bringing the item to the SMP on Shabbat.
Summerlin Minyan Project maintains a collection of reusable picnicware with limited serving utensils. These are used only for SMP potlucks and are washed in a dishwasher or by hand between meetings. There is no requirement that it be washed in a Kosher home. The SMP picnicware is dairy/Pareve until such time as a similar, separate, fleishig set can be acquired. Members are encouraged to bring their own serving utensils for the dishes they prepare. Similarly, a plan for eating the foods they prepare should be considered (e.g. don’t bring soup unless you are pretty sure someone is bringing soup bowls and spoons)
Some events at the SMP are Fleishig (Meat). These events are determined to be so by a consensus. These events are typically in a private home of someone who identifies as keeping a kosher home. The specifics of the kashrut policy are determined by the host of such events in order to preserve the kashrut standards of the home, but are intended to maintain the values of the SMP. For these events it is expected that those who bring a packaged item will ensure that the item is Certified Kosher and Pareve/Fleishig, those who bring a prepared item from their home should check with the host. Dishes/Utensils should be disposable or provided by the host.
In the circumstance of a fleishig event in a public space everything must be certified kosher and everything should be served/consumed on disposables, (until the SMP acquires fleishig utensils and dishes). Everything packaged should be labeled Certified Kosher-Pareve or Kosher-Fleishig. Everything prepared must be prepared in a kitchen identified as Kosher.