What is the Summerlin Minyan Project?
We are a Jewish Prayer Group that currently meets roughly one Shabbat per month (Shabbat Mevarchim). The location varies from month to month. We are a traditional, egalitarian, participatory welcoming Minyan.
Traditional - While we do not have a set Siddur (Prayer book), we
follow the traditional liturgy used by Orthodox and many Conservative
synagogues as found in Artscroll or Birnbaum Siddurim.
Egalitarian - Women participate equally with men. Women have aliyot and can lead the Prayer
Participatory - Sort of like a co-operative, everyone is expected to
help out in some way. You may lein Torah
or lead a portion of the service. If
this is not your skill set, you can help with the kiddush, set-up/clean-up or
help with children's programming. Also,
if you want to learn how to lein or lead, we have people who can help you with
that too! We don't believe in
Welcoming - We are open to people of all
Jewish backgrounds. If you are looking
for a meaningful, traditional, egalitarian participatory minyan - check us out
on Facebook at Summerlin Minyan Project.
Have questions? E-mail us at [email protected]